How To Make Your Home Office Fun

When you work from home, you spend a lot of time in your carefully cultivated home office. Now, that could mean you’re spending a lot of time at your dining table, but if you do have a space for your own office, the best thing that you can do is make it comfortable and fun. Nobody wants to have to sit at home and work all day, but it is becoming more and more popular for remote workers to be at home and not in an office environment.

You don’t have to be stuck on design ideas for your home office. Some people like to give the whole thing a revamp à la Pinterest, and other people love to do small little changes such as custom keycaps for the keyboard that may glow in the dark, or brand-new light shades that show off their personality a little more. If you are stuck on design ideas for your home office, have a look at some of the ways that you can incorporate more fun into your space.

Image Source: Pexels
  • Consider your own personal style. If you want to make your home office fun, you need to think about what style you like in the rest of your home. Are you eclectic? Do you like your spaces to be neat? Do you like bright colours? No matter what your personal style is, you can incorporate it into elements of your home office. It’s one of the best ways to make it a fun space to be – because this is all about you!
  • Think about office supplies. We mention custom keycaps for your keyboard, but you can make your office supply kit quite fun! You can get staplers in the shapes of animals, you can get tape dispensers in the shapes of snack food, you can even personalise your pens and your folders. It doesn’t have to cost you much to spice up your office and make it more fun, and there are plenty of office stores out there that can help you to find the supplies that you need.
  • What about the rules? Your office is going to have plain walls to begin with, but you don’t have to be a massive art buff to make something great out of them. You can get pretty, printable maps, even personal pictures of you and your family onto the walls. You can add colour, personality, and style into your space, and make your office feel like a more fun place to be.
  • Add some new features. Offices tend to be boring places, but there’s nothing stopping you from having your very own rainforest in a bottle in your office. You want as much nature and greenery as you can add into your small space, because this is going to make you feel like you are at peace and calm.

Make your office all about what you need, and you’ll find this a space to have fun while you work. It can make all the difference!

*Collaborative post*
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