How to Get Ready for a Temperamental Summer

Summer weather can be unpredictable at the best of times. You never really know what it’s going to be like on any given day and deciding what to wear can be a nightmare. There might be one week when there’s a heatwave and then another when it won’t stop raining. Getting ready for such a tumultuous summer is tough. Anticipating what might happen next can leave you scratching your head, or standing in the rain wearing flip-flops. If you want to be as prepared as possible for a summer that could swing in any direction, try using these tips to get ready.

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Be Prepared to Stay Cool

We’re not used to hot weather in the UK. We might only get a few weeks a year when the temperature goes about 20 degrees, but every time it happens, we’re unprepared. We don’t have air conditioning in every building like some countries, and our homes are designed to stay warm, not cool. But we do still tend to get some warmer weather during the summer or sometimes even before then. If you are lucky enough to have air conditioning, keep a 24 hour AC service on standby to take care of any problems. You don’t want your AC to break in the one week when you need it most.

Craft the Perfect Summer Wardrobe

How do you dress when you’re not sure what the weather will do? Although there might not be high temperatures for several months, you can expect the weather to be generally warmer, so putting away your winter clothes is a safe bet. But it’s also useful to have a few items that are perhaps less than summery. Make sure you still have some extra layers you can grab when it gets chilly, especially in the evening, whether it’s a cardigan or a shawl. Some waterproof shoes won’t go amiss either – be ready to swap out your sandals at a moment’s notice when it rains.

Make Plans for Sunny and Rainy Days

You might not ever know what the weather is going to do until it happens, but you can still be prepared. You can make the most of the summer if you have plans in advance, even if you’re not exactly sure when you’re going to carry them out. Next time it’s a sunny day, instead of spending half the day trying to decide what to do, you can have a plan in place. Make a decision to go to the beach next time it’s a nice day or to go to the cinema next time it rains.

Get Out the Fake Tan

Getting a tan during the summer might be something that you’re able to do, but tanning isn’t the best thing for your skin. And when you can’t predict the weather, there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to get a tan anyway. So if you want a sunkissed glow, the best thing to do is turn to fake tan. Whether you visit a salon for a spray tan or DIY it at home, you can be golden whatever the weather.

You might not be able to guess what the weather will do in the summer, but you can still be prepared for what might come your way.

*Collaborative post*
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